05 August 2011

Ramadhan kedua 2 Agustus 2011

sorry it is supposed to 6th day of ramadhan, but i will tell my second day, back date, but its ok. my second day runs like ordinary day. but at the time i had to open fasting at the Rangkas train. Rangkas train is the train that has route from tanah abang to rangkasbitung, can u imagine when i was open fasting , much people were doing so, but the smoke of cigarretes was every where...uhhh... it was uncomfortably.... Rangkas train is economic train, so smokind in the train is generally accepted....
arrived at home, i continued enjoying kolak, kind of traditional delicious drink.... in ramadhan kolak is my fans, i can drink it several glasses..Kolak was over ,now i prepared to go to masjid, j have plan to go to different masjid on each 30 days of ramadhan, so at the time i choose not same as before. so i choose the masjid near to my house but not very near , actually u can go on foot, but i prefer by motorcycle. i forgot the masjid name, because every day i always pray in home, but ramadhan i try to pray isya and tarawih at masjid

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