14 August 2011

ramadhan ke sembilan , 09 agustus 2011

ninth day of ramadhan, at the time, i went to the office by motorcycle for a reason, if i catch the train by mcycle maybe i will miss it , and i will be late consequently.
i went home about 4 clock pm, in the beginning , i thought that i must be at home before 6, but there were alotof traffic jam every where, but i thought i will have no time to have tarawih at home. so i decided to tarawih in masjid on my way home, i found it, Masjid Arrahmah, that is not new masjid for me, because i usually did pray there on usually day.

Alhamdulillah..... isya hadnot come yet, so i still have time to eat any food. the masjid is the big one , and clean one, i like the kontur of the toilet, i think it is design to truly avoid najis (maksudnya sekecil apapun...), after tarawih, i was hungry and then i ate ayam penyet in ciputat, so far i know, that is the most delicious in ciputat area.

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