09 May 2010

3 Idiots, what a movieee..............................!

tonight i just saw "3 idiots" at teras kota, it started at 10 pm and lasted for 3 hours, at the firs time, i thougt that i couldnot keep my eyes stay tune, but it changed immedietely when i was on my desk started to see. the movie is a full of surprise .....funny, sometimes it didnt make sense.....but it touched the hear very much. from this movie i could get some lesson of life , teaches us that how to make ourselves valuable to other people, how to help each other without hoping to be given instead, and how to make people happy.
Most indians film, there must be songs and dances....and it does too. its rare that i like songs and dances in indians movie, but it happened to me in this movies......................i dont want to give u the clue about the movie, watched by ur self....prepare a lot of tissues, or at least prepare ur heart to realize deep in your heart, that life is so meaningfull when we can help and love each other........................................yeah...i love the movie...............

05 April 2010

Daftar Nama stasiun radio dan frekuensinya..

Selain Televisi / TV Radio bisa menjadi hiburan yang cukup bisa diandalkan karena murah dan mudah didapat. Walaupun tanpa tampilan visual, suara radio juga tidak kalah menghibur karena memiliki berbagai program acara yang menarik. Berikut ini organisasi.org memberikan list daftar radio yang bisa ditangkap di Wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya Jabodetabek Bogor Depok Tangerang Bekasi :

Hard Rock FM - Frekuensi 87.6 MHz
Mustang - Frekuensi 88.0 MHz
Arief Rahman Hakim /Global Radio - Frekuensi 88.4 MHz
RRI Jakarta Pro 3 - Frekuensi 88.8 MHz
Green Radio - Frekuensi 89.2 MHz
i-Radio - Frekuensi 89.6 MHz
Elshinta - Frekuensi 90.0 MHz
Cosmopolitan - Frekuensi 90.4 MHz
Suara Gema Pembangunan Utama /SP FM - Frekuensi 90.8 MHz
RRI Jakarta Pro 1 - Frekuensi 91.2 MHz
Indika Milenia - Frekuensi 91.6 MHz
Sonora - Frekuensi 92.0 MHz
PASS - Frekuensi 92.4 MHz
RRI Jakarta Pro 4 - Frekuensi 92.8 MHz
MD Radio - Frekuensi 93.2 MHz
Gaya FM - Frekuensi 93.6 MHz
Ben's Radio - Frekuensi 93.9 MHz
Sunz FM - Frekuensi 94.0MHz
Women - Frekuensi 94.3 MHz
U FM - Frekuensi 94.7 MHz
dosQradio - Frekuensi 94.9 MHz
KIS - Frekuensi 95.1 MHz
As Syafiyah - Frekuensi 95.5 MHz
Smart - Frekuensi 95.9 MHz
MQ 96.0 MHz
Pelita Kasih - Frekuensi 96.3 MHz
Swara Rhadana Dunia / Rhadio A - Frekuensi 96.7 MHz
Dangdut TPI - Frekuensi 97.1 MHz
Otomotion - Frekuensi 97.5 MHz
U FM - Frekuensi 97.7 MHz
Suara Metro - Frekuensi 97.9 MHz
Radio Kayu Manis - Frekuensi 98.1 MHz
Cakrawala Gita Swara - Frekuensi 98.3 MHz
Gen FM - Frekuensi 98.7 MHz
NTR Radio - Frekuensi 98.8 MHz
Delta - Frekuensi 99.1 MHz
Ninetyniners FM Jakarta 99.9 MHz
Female - Frekuensi 99.5 MHz
Jak-FM - Frekuensi 101.0 MHz
Trax FM - Frekuensi 101.4 MHz
Bahana - Frekuensi 101.8 MHz
Prambors - Frekuensi 102.2 MHz
Camajaya Surya Nada - Frekuensi 102.6 MHz
Pop - Frekuensi 103.0 MHz
Taman Mini / Radio T - Frekuensi 103.4 MHz
Pesona Gita Anindita - Frekuensi 103.8 MHz
El Gangga - Frekuensi 103.9 MHz
MS Tri - Frekuensi 104.2 MHz
NSP FM - Frekuensi 104.5 MHz
Trijaya - Frekuensi 104.6 MHz
RRI Jakarta Pro 2 - Frekuensi 105.0 MHz
Niaga Chakti Bhudi Bhakti / CBB - Frekuensi 105.4 MHz
LiteFM / Ramako - Frekuensi 105.8 MHz
Bens Radio - Frekuensi 106.2 MHz
Sabda Sosok Sohor / Muara FM - Frekuensi 106.6 MHz
Music City - Frekuensi 107.5 MHz
Suara Metro 911 - Frekuensi 107.8 MHz
Jalasveva Jayamahe / JJM - Frekuensi 108.0 MHz

Keterangan : Diurutkan berdasarkan frekwensi gelombang chanel radio.

Mungkin frekuensi sebagian stasiun radio bisa ditangkap di kota lain yang berada berdekatan dengan DKI Jakarta atau kota besar lainnya di Indonesia.

Mungkin juga ada sebagian stasiun radio yang memiliki sinyal yang tidak bagus di daerah anda sehingga suaranya kresek-kresek dan bahkan tidak bisa ditangkap sama sekali.

Sumber : diambil dari Organisasi.Org Komunitas & Perpustakaan Online Indonesia

03 April 2010

i am home ..........................................................

today is so wonderfull, i am home just because i want to absorb the energy of the home. the fresh , the spirit of my home town. my bro and my sis is always make me happy. thanks to michael bubble for his song that always remind me of his song...so wonderful

Another summer day
has come and gone away
In Paris or Rome...
but I wanna go home
...uhm Home
may be surrounded by
a million people I
still feel all alone
just wanna go home
I miss you, you know

And I've been keeping all the letters
that I wrote to you,
Each one a line or two
I'm fine baby, how are you?
I would send them but I know that it's just not enough
My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that

Another aeroplane, another sunny place,
I'm lucky I know
but I wanna go home
I got to go home

Let me go home

I'm just too far from where you are
I wanna come home

And I feel just like I'm living
someone else's life
It's like I just stepped outside
when everything was going right
And I know just why you could not come along with me
This was not your dream
but you always believed in me...

Another winter day
Has come and gone away
in either Paris or Rome
and I wanna go home
Let me go home

And I'm surrounded by
A million people I
still feel alone
Let me go home
I miss you , you know

Let me go home
I've had my run
baby I'm done
I gotta go home

Let me go home
it'll all be alright
I'll be home tonight
I'm coming back home"